Extension Application
The proposed Brantford Extension will be located on the adjacent property to the west and will replace depleted reserves at the existing Lafarge Brantford Pit so that it may continue to provide a source of high-quality granular materials to predominately local construction markets in the Brant County area.
- Proposed Licence Area – The area proposed to be Licenced under the Aggregate Resources Act is ± 20ha
- Proposed Extraction Area – The proposed area to be extracted is ± 17ha
- Proposed Maximum Annual Tonnage – 1,000,000 tonnes/per year. The existing haul route and Brantford Lafarge Pit entrance onto Colborne Street will be used. No increase in annual production or shipping is anticipated.
- Operations – Aggregate is proposed to be removed above and below the water table in three Phases. The pit will be extracted and rehabilitated sequentially.
- Final Rehabilitation – The final land use will be open water with some shallow littoral areas and naturalized open space. The Brantford Extension Pit will be comprehensively rehabilitated with the existing pit.
In order to operate a Pit or Quarry in the province of Ontario, a licence from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) is required. The application process for a new licence application is regulated by the Aggregate Resources Act and overseen by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
In order to obtain a licence, the property must be designated and zoned to permit the extractive use. Therefore, it is common for an Official Plan (OP) and Zoning By-Law amendment to also be required from the municipality. This process is regulated by the Planning Act and overseen by the Municipality.
The following applications are required to permit and operate the proposed Brantford Pit Extension:
- An Official Plan Amendment to re-designate the lands from “Agriculture” to “Resource Development”. This application is submitted and reviewed by the County of Brant;
- A Zoning By-law Amendment to re-zone the lands from “Agricultural Restrictive” to “Extractive Industrial (EX)”. This application is submitted along with the Official Plan Amendment to the County of Brant;
- An Aggregate Resources Act (ARA) Licence Application for a Class A, Category 1 Licence Application submitted and reviewed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF)
Since 2017, Lafarge has been undertaking technical investigations and completing the studies and reports that are required to be submitted with the above applications. As part of the application process, these reports will be reviewed by a number of provincial agencies as well as staff and peer reviewers from the County of Brant.
- Hydrogeological Report – Level 1 and Level 2
- Natural Environment Report – Level 1 and Level 2
- Archaeological Assessment Report – Stage 1 and Stage 2
- Noise Assessment Report
- Agricultural Impact Assessment
- Air Quality Assessment
- Planning Justification Report
- Scoped Traffic Impact Assessment
- Aggregate Resources Act Site Plan
Lafarge will continue to engage with our neighbours and a broad range of community stakeholders in the review of the proposed Brantford Pit Extension applications. Both of the Aggregate Resources Act and Planning Act require public notification and consultation activities. Additional details regarding Public Consultation activities will be posted on this website when more information is available.