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Q & A
Production activities may operate Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 7pm. This includes, crushing, screening and stockpiling. Shipping activities, which only include the loading of highway trucks for the purpose of shipping material off-site, can operate Monday to Saturday, from 6am to 7pm. However, from time to time, to meet special project needs, shipping activities may occur outside of these times.
Aggregate products produced at the Brantford Pit are mainly used in road building and construction projects. This includes Granular A and B, as well as various sand products. For the most part, these products are used in local projects in the Brantford area.
The proposed extension will replace depleted reserves at the existing pit. No change to the existing haul route and no increase in annual production or shipping is expected. The existing haul route includes trucks travelling east and west on Colborne Street west to service different areas of Brant County. The expected annual tonnage shipped will continue remain similar to prior years, and will depend on local and regional market demand.
The aggregate extraction and production processes do not use any chemicals. The existing below-water pit has been operating for over 50 years with no negative impact to the water table, and therefore the risk to water quality is very low. Extensive technical investigations have been undertaken to ensure that there will continue to be no adverse impact to any neighbouring wells. Ongoing monitoring will be a requirement of the proposed extension.
All licenced aggregate sites in Ontario are required to have an approved rehabilitation plan, prior to extraction preceding. This is part of the site plan, which also includes information on how the site must be operated. The Brantford site plan currently includes a lake in the final rehabilitation plan. The proposed Brantford extension will be comprehensively rehabilitated with the existing pit, and will include open water with some shallow littoral areas and naturalized open space.
We invite members of the community to be involved in this process and we would appreciate your comments. Please contact Luke McLeod, Land Manager at should you have any questions about our proposed extension or any other aspects of our operation
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